Today - at nearly 7 months post-ankle surgery - I finally mustered up the guts to take my first yoga class. If you're a regular reader here, you know I've got a pretty consistent yoga practice at home, and have been working at it since as soon as I had the energy post-op (see here, here, here and here). However, I've been too scared to go to an actual class...with people...and teachers...and actual flows.

Going today was a combination of feeling ready, being really sick of my home practice, and feeling kind of stuck with where my body recovery is overall. I went to Seth Hutton's class at Yoga Pearl - he's fucking amazing and his class was PERFECT. I approached him before class and told him it was my first time back - he smiled and said he'd keep an eye on me for adjustments.

So, the class: first of all the room was heated but not boiling, so my ankle and leg muscles got nice and loose. Well, loose as one could hope for. Second, his pacing was amazing - his focus for the day was slow and intentional rather than rigorous. Yes there were certain things I couldn't do - some because I lost strength and flexibility after surgery, and some stuff was just beyond where I was before the ankle break. (For example in downward dog, my left heel can touch the floor but my right is still about an inch off). I was perfectly challenged. I thanked Seth for the class afterward and he said he had his eyes on me but didn't think I needed to be adjusted - definitely a confidence boost.

After a green juice and some icing (my achilles has really been bugging me lately), I feel great. I will definitely be going back. Weeeee!!!

Take away:

Ankle breakers, do everything you can to stay loose and strong. If you're bed-ridden, stretch in bed. If you're just beginning to walk, try my yoga videos or swim or get on a recumbent bike. The longer you stay inactive the more challenging it will be to get active again - I promise it's worth it. If you want more in-depth advice on how to do that, don't hesitate to reach out.


The Broken Ankle Diaries: 8 Months Post-Op


chelsea boot girl