chelsea boot girl

In July - right around my 3 month post-op mark - Cat Footwear was kind enough to send me a pair of boots. These boots were gorgeous. Deep brown leather, flawless stitching, tough but femme...PULL-ON CHELSEA BOOTS.

What I mean by this is, chelsea boots have no zippers, no laces - you pull them on and you pull them off. Mind you, I had just started walking at that point (sans boot or crutches). I was still in sneakers every day. Like a good girl, I waited a few weeks to try them on, but eventually I grew tired of waiting and had to GET THOSE BEAUTIES ON MY FEET. So...

Left foot:

In. Easy breezy.

Right foot:

In! Cool. Whew.

Can I walk in them? Hm, yes I can (though at that point they rubbed against my sensitive ankle screw like crazy. Ok better take them off now.

Left foot:

Out. Easy.

Right foot:

HOLY SHIT MOTHER FUCKER I CAN'T GET THIS THING OFF. I was stuck, like a Chinese finger trap. My foot wasn't flexible enough to pull out yet and it hurt like hell. Obviously the only way out was to pull hard and shimmy, so that's what I did and eventually got out, but it wasn't pleasant and I felt sorry for myself.

So, fast-forward to this past week (about 3 months later), I decided to try those beautiful bitches on again. Both feet slid in easily, and - since I had to know right away what I would be in for should I decide to wear them that day - both feet came right out!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaand here they are...

Thank you to Cat Footwear, you made me happy in more ways than just gorgeous footwear. :)




they tried to make me go to rehab and I said...actually i'm just gonna do this video, thanks