updates and strides forward
Hi readers!! Oh jeez I have NOT been great at updating - but it hasn't been because I don't want to or don't have time, it's actually because I've felt that there's not much to report. Until today...I did my first crow pose since the surgery...
For those of you who don't know - I was getting pretty into yoga before I broke my ankle, and being unable to do it for so long really took it's toll on me. Over the past several weeks I've been doing what I can to work my way back into anything resembling a satisfying practice, but it's felt like a very tough, long road. Getting into - and holding - this crow pose was a huge feat for me and I'm really happy about it.
The pink sock is a compression sock and goes all the way up to my knee. I'm wearing it because now that I'm weight-bearing more, my ankle has been getting all kinds of swollen - nothing that ice and elevation and massage can't soothe, but it's fucking annoying and uncomfortable.
Weight-bearing also brings all kinds of new aches and pains that I didn't have before - mostly sharp nerve pains in my heel and different parts of my ankle and calf - but they usually go away after massage and ice (the cure-alls, obviously).
This past weekend J and I took a little vacation to the Oregon Coast - maybe it was the smell of the ocean or the freedom of being away from my bed that I now know so intimately - but right before we got in the car to come home I put my crutches to the side and did this:
No, that doesn't mean I'm off my crutches, I still use one of them to get around, and the outside of my foot is so tight that it quite hurts to put pressure on...but STILL. It was awesome and weird. Also the house that we stayed in had a floor-level shower, meaning you just walked right into it - no tub to step over - so I took my first standing up shower...I made J come hang out in the bathroom with me while I did it in case I slipped. Not the sexiest naked time we've ever had, but a huge step up from right after surgery when he actually had to bathe me and floss my toes.
More updates when I've got em!
Peace out