This week is walking week - YAY!! I mean, not until the end of the week - Saturday - but it's this week nonetheless. My physical therapist says the walking progression usually goes: (1) in the boot with both crutches, (2) in the boot with one crutch, (3) in the boot with no crutches, (4) in a sneaker with maybe one crutch, and then (5) walking in just the sneaker - spending about a week at each stage (unless I'm a total rockstar, which I fully intend to be).
Anyway, I've had a few active days leading up to it all (that usually end in complete exhaustion and some swelling). This weekend my mom took J and me furniture shopping and then out for tacos (unfortunately this ankle bullshit threw a huge wrench into the move-in/decoration process, so we're only now getting to it). I used the scooter for most of the furniture shopping (and now my right quad, the one that goes on the scooter, is stupid sore), and crutched to the Mexican place. Here are some visuals:
Chillin on the scooter on the way to a furniture place. I got exhausted from scooting 4 blocks (on an incline!) - for some reason mom thought it made for a remarkable photo-op...that's her in the reflection.
My sweet sweet sweet J - we're very focused on the task at hand.
It's worth noting here that I'm wearing my black skinny jeans - meaning that I was able to point my toe enough to get it through the small leg holes...BIG STEP. I'll admit though, getting them off was not easy.
Sunday was fun - some organizing and rearranging in the house - all of which I did on my scooter and J did on his two very well-working legs. And now I have an entire week ahead of me, which includes LITERALLY nothing but 2 PT sessions and receiving a furniture delivery - I've never seen such an empty calendar in my life...depressing. But walking is on its way!! NOT DEPRESSING. (I hope).